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Vale Doug Jensen

Vale Doug Jensen



Doug Jensen joined the club in 1989. He was time keeper in both the reserves and under 19s from 1997 until 2010. Doug became a life member in 2008.

In 2012 the Time Keepers box at Chelsworth Park was named after Doug and former senior time keeper Bob Cracker “The Craker-Jensen time keepers box”

Doug spent every Saturday from 1989 onwards taking his Grandsons to every game and his commitment to the community impacted them greatly. Son, Brett Jensen life member & Club legend. Grandsons, Current player Liam Jensen, life member Gavin de Kretser, former player Hayden de Kretser and to now have Doug’s Great Grandkids begin their own journey through the club is something Doug was very proud of.

Doug loved the fact the football club valued its people and always said with pride, “this place looks after its people”.
Gone to soon.
Fidelis Usque Ad Mortem

The family would very much appreciate anyone from the club that would join them in celebrating Doug’s life

The Funeral will be held Friday 2 August @ 2:00pm at Le Pine funerals in East Kew: https://maps.app.goo.gl/96CTgZW6YtZA6aHY9

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