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Women’s Training Commences – 9 February

Women’s Training Commences – 9 February

In 2023 OIGFC will launch its Womens’ program in the ambition of fielding a womens’ team in the VAFA competition.

Training will be every Tuesday and Thursday commencing at 6:15pm and concluding at 7:15pm.  For the most part, training will take place at Chelsworth Park, with the occasional session taking place in the new Sports Centre at Ivanhoe Grammar School.

To field a team, the Club will require in the vicinity of 30 women to sign up – so we need all members of the OIGFC community to get behind this program and promote its values to all potential players in their social orbit.  In the interim, the squad will be coached by long time IGS staff member and OIGFC President Chris Branigan.

Community Focussed, Inclusive, Supportive, Healthy

  • Phoebe Downing
    September 25, 2023


    Is this happening in 2024? Do you have to be an alumnus to participate? Am looking for women’s teams (in football, soccer, cricket… anything!) and finding it shockingly under-serviced.

    Phoebe Downing

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